Empowering your every move

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Introducing the Overdrive

The Power of Fusion

By thoughtfully integrating top-notch components like the Brook UFB-Fusion and USB-C capability, we have ensured an optimal performance and a truly immersive gaming experience.

Outperform the competition

Created, designed and assembled in the UK, the Overdrive is the perfect competitive controller.

Our controllers excel in performance and impresses with its sleek aesthetics. With a small compact enclosure and an aluminum chassis, our controllers offer a perfect blend of durability and style.

Don’t get left behind

The Overdrive is a new competitive fighting gaming all-button controller that pushes the bar of what we have come to expect from most brands.

Our controllers are designed to deliver precision, comfort, and responsiveness, giving you the competitive edge you need. With our commitment to excellence, we are here to empower and elevate your gaming journey to new heights.

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